Pulsus Group

Editorial Tracking System®

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Editorial: Submission and Review Tracking System ®


Pulsus Group empanelled Journal portfolio comprehensively covers a wide spectrum of basic and applied Biological, Engineering and Biomedical specializations having immense relevance to contemporary research, systematic explorations and perspectives. Pulsus Group works on an online tracking system platform for manuscript submission, review and overall editorial processing for secure, transparent, integrated and coordinated processing of the manuscripts into standard article with rapid average turnaround rate.

  • A streamlined and user-friendly online tool equally useful for author, reviewer, editor and publisher
  • Avoids communication delays and enables faster and efficient manuscript processing.
  • Access to real-time tracking of article progress.
  • Implements privacy policy to avoid potential conflict of interest.

Please refer to the Author guidelines for manuscript preparation and checklist prior to submission.

  • Registration requires Email ID and Role (Author/Reviewer/Editor/Publisher)
  • User ID and Password are sent to the registered Email address.
  • Manuscript uploading
  • Obtain Manuscript ID
  • Check real-time status
  • Resubmission and revised submissions
  • Generate new password
  • Get timely notifications
  • Evaluate reviewing prospect
  • Undertake manuscript review
  • Provide comments, suggestions and recommendations
  • Obtain login credentials
  • Generate new password
  • Invite authors
  • Screening and selection of manuscript
  • Monitor submission, resubmission and revised submissions
  • Assign and monitor paper review
  • Obtain and modify login credentials
Review protocol
  1. The Editor-in-Chief selects and sends the manuscript it to the Associate Editor
  2. The Associate Editor invites three potential, active and independent reviewers. One of them will be Editorial Board member.
  3. Based on review inputs, Associate Editor makes a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief, or initiates a discussion among the reviewers.
  4. After a mutually agreed decision has been reached, the authors are notified by the Editor-in-Chief or the Associate Editor.
Decision Categories
  • Authorproof generation with minor corrections of typos and artifacts
  • Authorproof generation with minor corrections of typos and artifacts
  • Needs resubmission to a journal having matching scope
  • Can be resubmitted to same journal with substantial improvement in terms of content and clarity.

Please submit inputs, comments and suggestions regarding this site to: info@pulsus.com

For journal information: contact@pulsus.com

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