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Bacteria of the genus proteus as sanitary indica ive microorganisms of water bodies
Nazarov Jalolitdin Sulton Erkinovich*
Marine microorganisms both biodegradable and non-biodegradable plastics are colonized
Charlotte Evans*
The impact of bio stimulation on oil degradation and microbial community composition in a contaminated desert soil using sewage sludge, soybean meal, and wheat straw
Amelia Brown*
Letter to the EditorP:1
Upon rehydrating desiccated marine microbial mats, cyanobacterial photosynthesis and migration quickly resume.
Madison Smith*
Correlation of coliform bacteria's resistome phenotype and genotype in municipal sewage is made possible by minion nano pore sequencing
Paisley Williams*
Letter to the EditorP:1-2
The presence of Sutterella spp. in mucosa and their interactions with the epithelium suggest commensalism.
Kennedy Lewis*