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An open access article review on the brain-gut axis via the vagal nerve, neurotransmitter relationship between serotonin and estrogen, and the cognitive decline in depression.
Kelli Kemenah Mauric*
The hypophyseal microvasculature portal system located at the base of the brain connects the hypothalamus arcuate nucleus and anterior pituitary gland for rapid and undiluted transport of the neurohormones vital for infertility prevention.
Kelli Kemenah Mauric*
A randomised clinical trial examined the impact of cerebellar stimulation on Alzheimer's patients' ability to regain their cognitive abilities.
Arielle Bernard*
Human cerebral cortex proteomic map: Global multiregional
Jasmine Taylor*
European pediatric neurology society and committee of national advisors on paediatric neurology organization
Maddy Jones*
Original ArticleP:1-3
Impact of new technologies on neurology in Spain. Review by the new technologies Ad-Hoc committee of the Spanish society of neurology
Harper Anderson*
Central nervous system primary lymphoma of the cerebellum
Daniel Watson*
Ocrelizumab for the onset of tumefactive multiple sclerosis
Chrysta Ellis*
To test neuro-regenerative materials, a traumatic brain injury in-vitro model is used
Lilian Sinte Masule*
Research ArticleP:1-6
Investigate and comparison of early maladaptive schemas in a sample with anxiety disorders with non-clinical samples
Samira Masumian*, Mahmoud Dehghani, Maryam Hejri, E. K. Hlil, Amineh Tasalloti, Mitra Zahirian and Soheila Ghomian