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Psychiatric 2021: Computational model of suicide ideation - Benjamin E. Chao, USA
Benjamin E. Chao*
Short communicationP:2
Psychiatric 2021: Psychological empowerment model in mental breakdown management during COVID-19: A grounded theory
study - Manouchehr Shirazi, Iran
Manouchehr Shirazi*
Short communicationP:3
Psychiatric Congress 2021: Effects of a serious quarantine regime during the covid-19 pandemic on elderly inpatients in psychiatric
hospitals - R. Z. Karimova, Azerbaijan
R. Z. Karimova*
Short communicationP:4
Psychiatric Congress 2021: The forgotten art of "Diagnostic Psychiatry" - Lama Muhammad, USA
Lama Muhammad*
Short communicationP:5
Psychiatric Congress 2021: Mayday! mayday! mayday! black children are killing themselves: An examination of risk factors, protective factors, and best practices for addressing suicidality among african - american youth - Tyesha Hardwick, USA
Tyesha Hardwick*