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2020 Conference Announcement
Conference Announcement for World Congress on Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Scheduled during March 02 -03, 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Anas G Al Hariri*
Awards 2020P:1
Award Content for World Congress on Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Scheduled during March 02-03, 2020 in Edinburgh, Scotland
Anas G Al Hariri
Market AnalysisP:1
social media a fresh platform for futuristic surgical learning overview
Rita Badigeru*
Case Reports
Using the Appendix as a Ureteral Substitute During Pyeloplasty in a Patient with Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Alec Zhu, Parwiz Abrahim, Douglas Scherr, and Joseph Del Pizzo*