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  • Perspective   
    Using biochemical markers to detect harmful bacterial wilt disease in potatoes and assess resistance in some cultivars
    Author(s): Albert Hubert

    Ralstonia solanacearum causes bacterial wilt, which is one of the most serious potato diseases in the world’s warm temperate zones, tropics, and subtropics. The study was carried out to isolate and identify bacterial infections, as well as to select the most resistant cultivars in order to avoid a drop in the overall value of Egyptian potato exports to the European Union (EU) owing to EU quarantine limitations on bacterial wilt-affected potato tubers. The five isolates were isolated and identified as Ralstonia solanacearum using standard identification methods such as morphological and serological tests. Furthermore, the results revealed that the RS5 isolate had the lowest percentage of disease incidence decrease on the three tested potato cultivars Bellini, Spunta, and Mondial, with 9.64 percent, 15.41 percent, and 34.12 percent, respectively, on the three cultivars. On all of .. Read More»
    DOI: : 10.37532/puljmbr.2022.5(2).13-14

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