Case Reports
Incomplete Unilateral Ureter Duplication a Case Report
Author(s): Bassam Ballout*, Ibrahim Ibrahim, Paul Nemer, Yassine Ballout and Armando Rosales
The ureter is a muscular tube that carries urine from the collecting system of the kidney to the bladder for collection and, ultimately, excretion. Of mesodermal origin, the ureter arises from reciprocal induction between the metanephric blastema and the ureteric bud. Deviations from the normal intricate developmental process can lead to congenital anatomical alterations. During a routine dissection of a female cadaver, an incomplete unilateral ureteral duplication was discovered prompting further evaluation of the rare anatomical alterations’ incidence, manifestations, and clinical implications. The discovered ureter originated from two anatomically independent collecting systems from the same kidney that later converged along their course, forming one relatively thicker ureter that feeds into the bladder. Realizing such an anatomical alteration’s overall incidence and pr.. Read More»