Case Reports
Dolichosigmoid with Additional Sigmoidal Branches and Displaced Descending Colon
Author(s): Naveen Babu Kandavalli MD MPH*, Leon Wu, Francis Danquah and Bedia Castellanos MD
Sigmoid colon is a part of large intestine and normally measures 15” in length that extends from the pelvicbrim to the third piece of the sacrum where it becomes the rectum. Dolicho sigmoid or redundant sigmoid colon is a term used for sigmoid colon longer than its normal size. The present case had a displaced descending colon and a redundant part of sigmoid colon. During a routine dissection class for medical students, an anatomical variation related to sigmoid colon in an 87-year-old male cadaver was found. The colon was carefully dissected and studied in detail the position, attachment of sigmoidmesocolon, examination of viscera in close proximity and the blood supply to each part of the large intestine. A meticulous review of the literature was conducted as well. An anomalous displacement of descending and sigmoid colons wasfound. The descending colon is normal in length, re.. Read More»