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Editorial Office, Applied Food Science Journal, United Kingdom


  • Commentary   
    Food-Related Reactions can Result in a Wide Variety of Indications and symptoms in Any Physiological System
    Author(s): Bill Smith*

    Dietary allergy is described as an immune reaction to a food protein. Food-related reactions can cause a wide range of signs and symptoms , including the skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, and cardiovascular system. Food allergy caused by immunoglobulin E (IgE) is a leading cause of anaphylaxis; consequently, referral to an allergist for quick and proper diagnosis and treatment is critical. A thorough history is taken, as well as diagnostic testing such as skin prick tests, serum-specific IgE, and, if necessary, an oral meal challenge. Once a food allergy diagnosis is confirmed, the offending food allergen must normally be eliminated from the diet; however, in the case of cow's milk and egg allergy, many allergic children can eat these items in baked form. This article gives an overview of IgE-mediated food allergy prevalence, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and therapy... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/pulafsj.22.6(2).015-16

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 13

Applied Food Science Journal received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
