Original Article
Struggling to be involved: An interprofessional approach to examine Maori whanau engagement with healthcare services
Author(s): Dianne Wepa* and Denise Wilson
Aim: Explain the processes that whÃ?Ânau MÃ?Âori used when engaging with healthcare services from an interprofessional approach.
Methods: A qualitative design using kaupapa MÃ?Âori methodology and constructivist grounded theory. The researchers were a registered social worker and registered nurse from New Zealand. We used semi-structured interviews with 20 MÃ?Âori whÃ?Ânau (74 people aged 18-70 years) living in rural and urban areas in New Zealand about their engagement with healthcare services. The data analysis used constant comparative analysis to develop a substantive grounded theory to explain the processes MÃ?Âori whÃ?Ânau use when engaging with healthcare services.
Results: MÃ?Âori whÃ?Ânau faced discrimination and constant struggles whilst engaging .. Read More»