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Department of Biotechnology, Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura, India


  • Mini Review   
    Students understand and participate in nursing research
    Author(s): Divya Sharma*

    Evidence-based medicine In talks on patient care, the term "research" is frequently used. Nursing/midwifery as a profession has a responsibility to teach their students with a primary focus on research-based practise. Evaluation is a crucial component in education that determines what and how students chose to study, and learning is generally based on the quality of assessment. The usage of a learning log is one prominent way for supporting learning and assessment. This article discusses the usage of a learning log as a learning and assessment tool for undergraduate nursing and midwifery students, as well as reflective comments from students and module leaders. The instructors' ambition to be innovative when teaching a research module drove the use of a learning record lesson to students who frequently believe that research is a difficult and unpleasant subject to study... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/2632-251X.2022.6(6).104-6

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 50

Journal of Nursing Research and Practice received 50 citations as per Google Scholar report

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