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Editorial office , Journal Of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment, United Kingdom


  • Short commentary   
    Tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment
    Author(s): Elisc Macy

    With over 1.5 million confirmed deaths from a single infectious agent in 2018 and an estimated 10 million new cases each year, Tuberculosis (TB) is the biggest cause of misery worldwide. It is important to comprehend what is going on globally in terms of research into the use of digital technology for better TB care and control in light of the World Health Organization's End TB strategy and the pursuit of digital technologies. Treatment for tuberculosis is still difficult because it must be approached in the context of both individual and societal health. Additionally, it has been established that social and economic difficulties are factors that should be taken into account when determining therapy effectiveness. To meet the objectives set forth in the WHO End TB Strategy, early TB identification and treatment are crucial. The most frequent extra pulmonary TB symptom is Tuberculo.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/puljcdt.22.4(3)

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