Research Article
Morphological study on mitral valve chordae tendineae in the hearts of human fetuses
Author(s): Maria Tainar Barbosa de Almeida, Iapunira Catarina Sant Anna Aragao, Felipe Matheus Sant Anna Aragao, Francisco Prado Reis and Jose Aderval Aragao*
BACKGROUND: Mitral valve chordae tendineae (CTs) are filaments of connective tissue that attach the mitral valves to the papillary muscles, which contract and cause tension on these chordae, so as not to allow separation of the valves during left ventricular systoles. The morphological particularities of CTs not only facilitate understanding of the genesis of mitral valve diseases, but also provide the basis for improvement of surgical techniques.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate some morphological aspects of mitral valve CTs and papillary muscles, including number, distribution, type and macroscopic texture.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: An anatomical descriptive study on mitral valve CTs and papillary muscles was conducted on 27 hearts from human fe.. Read More»