Letter to the Editor
Sun protection and other uses of Thanakha in Myanmar
Author(s): Elizabeth V. Seiverling*, Alyssa M. Klein, Lindsay C. Bacik, Christoph Gelsdorf and Hadjh Ahrns
OBJECTIVES: Thanakha is a powder produced from the bark of Hesperethusa crenulata or Naringi crenulata trees, and has been used by Burmese people for over 2,000 years. The powder is traditionally mixed with water to form a thin yellow paste which is then applied directly to the skin. The purpose of this study was to determine the dermatologic uses of thanakha in Myanmar. DESIGN: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Myanmar and consisted of 25 semi-structured interviews with Burmese people who wear thanakha. Participants were both men and women, ages 12-55, and represented three different regions of Myanmar. RESULTS: Nine distinct dermatologic uses of thanakha were identified: photo-protection, acne treatment and prevention, skin lightening, skin cooling, beautification (make-up), rhytid (wrinkle) reduction, pruritus relief, scar reduction, and odor prevention. Of these, the mos.. Read More»