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Editorial Board, Anesthesiology: Case Report, Berkshire, UK


  • Mini Review   
    Anaesthesia techniques and drugs: Effects on pulmonary function
    Author(s): Jane Willson*

    The fundamental function of the lungs is to keep the blood oxygenated and remove carbon dioxide via the network of capillaries next to the alveoli. Utilizing ventilatory reserve capacity and alterations to lung mechanics help to maintain this. The induction of anaesthesia affects pulmonary functioning by causing unconsciousness, reflex depression, rib cage alterations, and hemodynamic abnormalities. All anaesthetic medications, including those administered through inhalation, have an impact on pulmonary functions either directly by acting on the respiratory system or indirectly by acting on other systems. Comparatively to intravenous induction drugs, volatile anaesthetics have more prominent effects on pulmonary functions, resulting in hypercarbia and hypoxia. The patient's position also causes significant modifications in lung functioning. Neuromuscular blockers and anticholinerg.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532. pulacr.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 12

Anesthesiology Case Reports received 12 citations as per Google Scholar report
