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Editorial Office, Journal of Health Policy and Management, United Kingdom


  • Perspective   
    After the coronavirus pandemic changes in the Healthcare
    Author(s): Jennifer Grey*

    Globally, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound influence on many nations' social, political, economic, and healthcare systems. The cost of this pandemic in terms of human lives and suffering, the psychosocial effects, and the economic slowdown provide compelling reasons to turn experiences into practical lessons, not just to avert similar crises in the future but also to advance population health and healthcare provision as a whole. After the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV) and the Middle-East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV), as well as other viral outbreaks like Zika virus and Ebola virus over the past ten years, this is the third coronavirus (CoV) outbreak of international significance. It becomes obvious that infectious diseases should be regarded as one of the most significant health risks that we will need to deal with going forward. As .. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/ pulhpm.22.5(6).68-70

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 13

Journal of Health Policy and Management received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
