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Editorial Office, Journal of Nursing Research and Practice, Windsor, Berkshire, United Kingdom


  • Mini Review   
    Ways to avoid burnout among surgeons
    Author(s): Joe Michael*

    In surgical practice, numerous sources of stress stressors are unpredictable; two examples of these unforeseen pressures in the surgical setting are the everyday workload and postoperative problems. They might contribute to the explanation of surgeon burnout, whose prevalence 34 to 53% has been the focus of numerous researches. However, despite the abundance of assessments, few recommendations for treatments have been made. This is particularly true given that by nature and training, surgeons are unlikely to be interested in burnout, which they are likely to view as something that only "others" suffer. In order to avoid surgeon burnout, techniques have been proposed in the literature. The goal of this attempt at clarification is to identify these strategies and evaluate the effects of this problem on the surgeon's professional and personal entourage as well. In addition .. Read More»
    DOI: DOI: 10.37532/ Puljnrp .22.6(7).118-119

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Citations : 50

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