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Managing Editor, Journal of Biomedical Engineering: Current Research, United Kingdom


  • Opinion   
    Pharmaceutical engineering's potential in healthcare
    Author(s): John Linn*

    The healthcare industry is undergoing a transformation. Healthcare corporations are being forced to rethink their competitive strategy due to unmet medical demands, an ageing population, growing healthcare expenses, and a lack of pharmaceutical pipelines. In addition, customers are becoming more involved in healthcare. Patients are becoming more informed and aggressive in their healthcare decisions, increasing the pressure on the sector to reduce costs via innovation. The healthcare industry, which includes pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device companies, as well as government agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), healthcare providers, insurers, and consumers, is a dynamic and unique entity that is rapidly moving toward highly automated and electronic environments in which the storage, management, and use of complex data is critical to success. Pharmac.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/pulbecr.22.4(1).03
