Research Article
Is Mexican policy " Peritoneal dialysis first for all " the best strategy for elderly end stage renal disease patients?
Author(s): Karina Renoirte-López*, Gabriela Abundis-Mora, Mónica Jimenez-Cornejo, Marisol López-Ceja and Daniel Murillo-Brambila
BACKGROUND: The Mexican population is ageing. The average age for patients on dialysis in Mexico is 63 years (range 1-90), with the higher prevalence in the group from 60 to 69 (24.5%). Mexico has had the policy of “peritoneal dialysis first for all” for all incident ESRD patients, but Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) prescription has decreased 1% per year in a sustained manner for the last 10 years. A sub-analysis on mortality in prevalent HD patients >60 years old has not been reported.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate survival in HD elderly patients and determine risk factors for mortality.
METHODS: We prospectively analyzed hemodialysis prevalent patient’s ≥ 60 y/o. All patients were receiving 3 hemodialysis treatments per week. Database Excel and SPSS for statistics were used. We describe mortality, surv.. Read More»