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Editorial Office, Applied Food Science Journal, Windsor, United Kingdom


  • Perspective   
    Enhancing nutritional values, isoflavone aglycones, and antioxidant capacity of edible mushroom by-products with soybeans
    Author(s): Kevin Joseph*

    Douchi is a traditional soybean dish that has been salt-fermented. It has a number of bioactivities, including those that are anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, and anti-hypertensive. protease and -glucosidase are used in the making of koji. Ideal are edible mushroom byproducts .Due to their distinct nutritional properties, additives can improve the flavour and nutritional value of food high protein, abundant amino acid content, and low calorie properties. There is, however, no study on preparing douchi using a combination of fermentation of edible mushroom byproducts and soybeans. Using protease and glucosidase activities as indicators, the fermentation conditions of the Edible Mushroom by-product Douchi Koji (EMDK) were optimised in this study using response surface methodology (RSM). Unfermented Raw Samples (URS), Douchi koji Without Edible Mushroom by-product (DKWE), and EMDK were then.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/pulafsj .2022.6(3).27-28.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 11

Applied Food Science Journal received 11 citations as per Google Scholar report
