Case Reports
The Intriguing Tale of Double Innervation: Superior Belly of Omohyoid
Author(s): Kiblin Sha*
The superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, an integral component of the infrahyoid muscle group, serves essential functions in swallowing, speech articulation, and neck stability. What sets this muscle apart is its rare attribute of double innervation. Typically, the superior belly of omohyoid receives motor signals from two distinct nerves: the ansa cervicalis and the cervical branch of the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X). This article explores the anatomy and functions of the superior belly of omohyoid, shedding light on the clinical significance of its unique double innervation. Understanding this intricate innervation pattern is vital for healthcare professionals in diagnosing and managing conditions related to the superior belly of omohyoid, emphasizing the remarkable complexity of human anatomy... Read More»