Short communication
Field crop fungicide seed treatments
Author(s): Kulkarni Radhika*
Synthetic seed treatment started with oats with the utilization of salt water in1637, arsenic in 1755, and copper sulfate in 1760. This practice has been far and wide in horticulture particularly following the introduction of new science classes. Ordinarily, compound seed treatment comprises of the utilization of pesticides to seed to control infections and vermin affecting seeds and seedlings. Some seed treatment items are sold as blends of at least one of these pesticides, and bird anti-agents in some cases included. These pesticides can be applied to the seed in several ways without change of the shape and size of seeds, for example, dust application and film coatings, in spite of the fact that there are a couple of exemptions, such as pelleting Since seed treatment does not generally adjust the shape and size of seeds, the seed tone is much of the time modified to make treated see.. Read More»