Case Reports
Uncovering the Enigma: Unusual Sutural Bones at Pterion
Author(s): Leonard Finn*
The pterion, a small region on the side of the human skull, where multiple cranial bones converge, has long captivated anatomists and anthropologists. In this article, we explore an intriguing anomaly at the pterion – unusual sutural bones. Typically formed by the sphenoid, parietal, temporal, and frontal bones, the pterion occasionally features small, accessory bones known as sutural or wormian bones. These bones come in various shapes and sizes and can profoundly affect the cranial anatomy. The presence of these bones, including epipteric bones, asterion, sphenoparietal bones, and parietal notch bones, raises questions about their genetic and developmental origins and their potential evolutionary significance. Additionally, their recognition is crucial in clinical settings, where cranial imaging and surgical procedures may be impacted. This abstract highlights the complexity o.. Read More»