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Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Saint Francis University College of Health, Haiti


  • Commentary   
    Challenges in Pulmonary Arterial Catheterization: Navigating Retrosternal Thyroid Gland
    Author(s): Lokepl Risae*

    Pulmonary arterial catheterization is a vital procedure for hemodynamic assessment in critical care and cardiology. However, it becomes considerably challenging when a retrosternal thyroid gland is present. This anatomical anomaly can limit space, alter angulation, and increase the risk of injury during catheterization. To overcome these difficulties, pre-procedural imaging, ultrasound guidance, experienced healthcare providers, alternative access sites, and surgical consultation may be necessary. The decision to proceed with catheterization in such cases should prioritize patient safety. Collaborative efforts between medical specialties ensure successful outcomes, even in the presence of retrosternal thyroid glands... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/1308-4038.16(10).311

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Citations : 2717

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