Histopathology in Fish: A Strategy for Assessing Aquatic Pollution
Author(s): Matthew Levy*
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of a Weight of Evidence (WOE) approach to evaluate fish health status and biological impacts (BEs) of pollutants for assessing ecosystem health, and to consider its possible application in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). External fish disease, liver histopathology, and several biomarkers of contaminant exposure were measured in two flatfish species from four locations in Ireland, including 7-Ethoxy Resorufin O-De-Ethylase (EROD), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), bile metabolites, Vitellogenin (VTG), and Alkali Labile Phosphates (ALP). PCB levels in fish liver were below OSPAR environmental assessment guidelines, indicating that contaminant levels in fish were typically low (EAC). There were consistent findings in fish with low PCB levels, EROD, and PAH bile metabolite levels. The relative frequency of liver lesions.. Read More»
10.37532. pulhhr.22. 6 (4).91-92.