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Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, School of Medicine, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland


  • Case Reports   
    A Case Report on Surgical Anatomy of Teratomas
    Author(s): Michel Karl*

    The conferred paper focuses on surgical anatomy of this terribly rare sort of growth. Teratomas were settled in the main inside the higher bodily cavity, and each tumor displaced the duct gland in an anterior position. The anatomical options that were ascertained area unit displacement of encompassing organs, and deformation and elongation of enormous retroperitoneal vessels... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/1308-4038.15(11).229

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 2717

International Journal of Anatomical Variations received 2717 citations as per Google Scholar report

International Journal of Anatomical Variations peer review process verified at publons