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Editorial Office, Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease, Windsor, United Kingdom


  • Commentary   
    The newly discovered function of bacterial regulatory RNAs inillness
    Author(s): Robert Klein*

    To circumvent host immune defenses and spread illness, pathogenic bacteria have acquired the ability to sense their environs and control the expression of certain genes. An immediate and energy-efficient replacement for traditional transcription factors is RNA-mediated gene expression. Numerous regulatory RNAs, particularly in pathogenic bacteria, have been discovered. However, little is known about how these RNAs interact with illness. Here, we summaries the current understanding of regulatory RNAs in upper respiratory tract infections that have adapted to humans. We suggest that bacterial regulatory RNAs could be significant contributors to illness. It would be helpful to understand the pathogeneses of disease isolates by understanding the role of regulatory RNAs and locating polymorphisms. Our discussion of regulatory RNAs' unresolved problems in research and their uses as trea.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/ puljcmid.2022.5(4).32-33
