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Managing Editor, Journal of Biomolecules and Biochemistry, United Kingdom


  • Perspective   
    Synthetic biology: A foundation for multi-scale molecular biology
    Author(s): Sam Danial*

    The Synthetic Biology provides novel ways for constructing new biological systems or re-designing existing ones for practical use. It has been regarded as a revolutionary technology at the heart of the so-called Bioeconomy, capable of offering innovative answers to global concerns in healthcare, agriculture, industry, and the environment. Despite considerable progress in the synthesis of high-value compounds and pharmaceuticals, there remains a belief that synthetic biology has yet to fulfil its promise. Furthermore, governments are concerned that synthetic biology would extend the pool of agents of concern, necessitating the development of detection, identification, and monitoring systems, as well as the proactive development of countermeasures against chemical and biological threats. Representatives from several government agencies attended this conference, demonstrating their commi.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/puljbb.22.6(1).05
