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Editorial Office, Journal of Cancer and Metastasis Research,, United Kingdom


  • Perspective   
    Health Services For Cancer Survivors
    Author(s): Shrinica Watson*

    Despite having a higher risk of poor mental health outcomes, spouses of cancer survivors are known to underuse supportive services. The goal of the current study was to ascertain the relationship between cancer survivor’s health and use of healthcare and their spouses' use of healthcare for sadness and anxiety. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data were utilized in the current observational analysis to identify married people who had had a cancer-related illness or disability (referred to as "cancer survivors") and to link health and health care use data across spouse dyads. The use of mental health services was indicated in spouses who reported receiving a prescription for an antidepressant, antianxiety drug, or for any type of psychotherapy. With an emphasis on the health and medical needs of the cancer survivor, use correlates were evaluated... Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/pulcmr-.2022.4(5).66-68

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