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Managing Editor, Journal of Biomedical Engineering: Current Research, UK


  • Opinion   
    Tissue engineering is the process of creating bioartificial tissues
    Author(s): Stive John*

    Tissue engineering entails the in vitro creation of bioartificial tissues as well as the in vivo manipulation of cell development and function using cells isolated from donor tissue and biocompatible scaffold materials. To facilitate effective cell adhesion, migration, and deposition of endogenous extracellular matrix components by the cells, biomaterials for tissue engineering must have regulated surface chemistry, porosity, and biodegradability. To create a large cell mass that can execute certain differentiated roles necessary for the tissue build, strategies to switch cells between growth and differentiation, which are mutually incompatible, are applied. The degree of adhesion between cells and substrate, as well as among the many cell types present in the tissue construct, allows combinations of cells and materials to rearrange themselves. Finally, in order to ensure effecti.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532/puljbb.22.4(1).01
