Original Article
Disorders of Ca2+ handling and cell-to-cell coupling are implicated in the development of acute heart failure in intact animal hearts: An ultrastructural study
Author(s): Narcis Tribulova*, Vladimir Knezl, Barbara Szeiffova Bacova, Tamara Benova, Csilla Viczenczova, Eva Gonçalvesova and Jan Slezak
BAckground: It has been previously reported that various acute interventions causing myocardial abnormalities in Ca2+ handling and defects in intercellular coupling facilitate the occurrence of malignant arrhythmias.
Objectives: To comprehensively determine the impact of such Ca2+- related disorders induced in intact animal hearts on the ultrastructure of the cardiomyocytes before occurrence and during sustaining of severe arrhythmias.
Methods: Three types of acute experiments known to be accompanied by disturbances in Ca2+ handling were performed. Langendorff-perfused rat and guinea pig hearts were subjected to K+-deficient perfusion to induce ventricular fibrillation; Langendorff-perfused guinea pig heart underwent burst atrial pacing to induce atrial fibrillation; and open chest pig heart was used for intramyocardial noradrenaline infusion to induce ventricular tach.. Read More»