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Department of Biotechnology, SRMU, Lucknow, India


  • Mini Review   
    Anaesthesia challenges in liposuction
    Author(s): Tanay Shukla*

    One of the most common treatment options in aesthetic surgery, liposuction has certain special anesthetic considerations. Liposuction is frequently carried out at a doctor's office. Based on the amount of infiltration or wetting solution injected, there are four basic types of liposuction techniques: dry, wet, superwet, and tumescent procedure. One of the most popular liposuction methods is known as the tumescent technique, which involves injecting large amounts of diluted local anesthetic (wetting solution) into the fat in order to facilitate anaesthesia and reduce blood loss. The injection of lignocaine may contain a significant amount between 35 mg/kg and 55 mg/kg raising questions about the toxicity of the local anesthetic.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.37532. pulacr.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 12

Anesthesiology Case Reports received 12 citations as per Google Scholar report
