How tablets can be used to study cognitive development: You can touch this
Author(s): Ulrike James*
Over the past ten years, new technology devices, in particular those with touch screen, have completely disappeared from society. Children are now practically surrounded by smart phones and iPads from birth. Despite being our regular companions, little is known about whether these instruments can be utilised to gather trustworthy scientific data in addition to just for amusement. For children aged 1 years to 10 years, who are typically too old for studies based on gazing times and too young for traditional psychophysical testing, tablets may be very helpful for gathering behavioural data. Here, we examined data from six studies that delivered developmental psychology experimental paradigms using touch-screen tablets. In experiments 1 and 2, we used a straightforward sorting and recall task with kids from 2 year old to 8 years old. Study 3 (ages 9 and 10) extended these tasks by making.. Read More»