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Bone ridge augmentation for dental implant placement
Andres Penalva Tron
Computer-guided implantology lecture and workshop
Nabeel Seryoka Martani
Nabeel Seryoka Martani
Introducing Dentiscope: A unique online study guide
Shahd Elghazali and Mira Mohammed Nasser Alrazooqi
Mubarak Alsaeed
Aref Alaabed
Peri- implantitis, the known and the unknown
Marwa B Abulhasan
Periodontal muscle training can strengthen the periodontal support, fit your teeth
Nima Sabzchamanara
Soft tissue management around implant why, when & how
Ye Shi
Stable alveolar bone implant reconstructive integration natural
Mahmood Qureshi
The psychological effect of smile line on the personality behavior
Mudher Ali