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CD4 counts in capillary and venous blood samples
Wei Huang
Civic engagement learning model to educate on HIV/AIDS at an HBCU/HSI College
Solomon Nfor
Dimensions of comprehensive integrated HIV prevention program for at risk young adult minorities
Maurice Y Mongkuo
Direct testing for Acanthamoeba in UAE water
Amna Al Otaiba and Selwa Alsam
Eradication of HIV-1 by genome editing
Niklas Beschorner, Ilona Hauber, Frank Buchholz and Joachim Hauber
El-Beshbishi, Samar M Alhusseiny, Maha M Abu Hashim, Hosam El-dein E El-nemr and Aya E Handoussa
Josephine Ngunjiri, Walter Mwanda and Peter N Keiyoro
New directions for Leishmania therapy; How about electromagnetic radiation
Marjorie A Jones1 Benjamin D Dorsey, David L Cedeno and Ricardo Vallejo
Lorece V Edwards
T Bernadette Picbougoum
One Health in the real world: Zoonotic parasites important to veterinarians and pet owners
Jay Tischendorf
Psychosocial and emotional effects of HIV/AIDS
Rex Stockton
To grow up with an innate or early acquired HIV infection
Lise-Lott Rydstrom
Women suffering from HIV in Ghana, Africa
Issah Abdulai