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Current Research: Integrative Medicine

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Integrative approaches to improve public health initiatives to avoid COVID-19 infection and related pneumonia are of great importance. Sadly no integrative interventions were confirmed as being directly successful for COVID-19 in clinical trials. And so, this is a vital moment to be cautious. We give the following strategies to consider using available in-vitro evidence, an understanding of the virulence of COVID-19, as well as data from related, but different, viruses. Also, we stress that these are complementary factors to the existing guidelines that stress daily hand washing, physical distancing, avoiding non-essential travel, and checking with symptoms present.

Although COVID-19's pathogenicity is complex, an understanding of the role of inflammation in this disease is significant. The virulence and pathogenicity associated with SARS corona viruses (including acute respiratory distress syndrome) arises as a result of viral activation of cytoplasmic inflammasome NLRP3. This inflammasome releases proinflammatory cytokines inside activated (upregulated NFkB) macrophages and The immune cells, namely IL-1B and IL-18, which govern the pathogenic inflammation responsible for the virulence and symptoms of COVID-19. Knowing this portion of COVID-19 infection provides several of the following mechanistic underpinnings.

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Citations : 67

Current Research: Integrative Medicine received 67 citations as per Google Scholar report

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