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Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

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Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is an international open access peer-review journal that accepts manuscripts in all psychology disciplines and is a part of group of Pulsus journals.

  • Canadian owned and edited
  • Prominent international Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board
  • Speedy publication timeline (available in-press within 45 days of acceptance of publication)
  • Creative common shared copyright with authors (CC BY-NC)
  • Available online open access and in print Digital version sent to more than 6,000 qualified psychiatry researchers around the globe
  • 5,000 paper copies distributed to physicians and researchers interested in psychiatry
  • Studies undergo comprehensive peer-review and if accpeted, are expertly edited.

 Authors may submit their manuscripts electronically to the Online Manuscript Submission System by registering as author and for any information/queries and also for E-mail manuscript submissions kindly submit directly to the Editorial Office at submissions@pulsus.com


  The corresponding author receives a free copy of the printed journal in which his/her article appears. Reprints can be ordered at a discounted author price.

Publication charges: Authors are requested to pay 1255 EURO per published article upon notification of assessment at page proof.

 Please provide the mailing address, phone number, and fax numbers for potential use by the editorial office and later by the production team.

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 51

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry received 51 citations as per Google Scholar report

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry peer review process verified at publons