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Journal of Experimental Medicine & Biology

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Journal of Experimental Medicine & Biology

Journal of Experimental Medicine and Biology mainly focuses on Experimental Medical and Biological research, which gives insights on the most happening and trending Investigations done mainly on humans, and other mammalians to identify mechanisms of pathophysiology or disease to demonstrate proof-of-concept, evidence of the validity and importance of new findings or treatments. Experimental Biology is majorly sub divided into Structural, Physiological and Evolutionary Biology.

Journal of Experimental Medicine and Biology is an Open Access journal that aims to publish the reliable source of information on novel innovations and current developments in the field as original articles (research articles), review articles, case reports, short communications and making them available online without any restrictions or subscriptions to the health care professionals and researchers worldwide.


This journal covers the undersigned topics, Gastroenterology, Medical Immunology, Endocrinology, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Nephrology, Neurology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Oncology, Molecular Biology, Cellular Biology, Genetics, Clinical Research, Bionanoscience, Psychopharmacology, Anatomy, Pathology, Biochemistry, Cell and Developmental Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Stem Cell Biology, Systems Biology, Translational Research, etc.


Authors are invited to publish their findings and opinions in a variety of formats such as: research articles, short communications, case reports, letter to the editor, reviews, guidelines, and techniques. Author(s) can submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission and tracking system or as an e-mail attachment to expmed@clinicalres.org



Articles published in Journal of Experimental Medicine & Biology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Experimental Medicine & Biology has got h-index , which means every article in Journal of Experimental Medicine & Biology has got average citations.


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