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Research ArticleP:1-8
Plasma-to-autopsy study of neurodegenerative diseases
Shieh-Yueh Yang*, Huei-Chun Liu
Mini ReviewP:1-4
Artistic Reflexive Writings in Regard to Their Eco-Therapeutism in Health Humanities
Research ArticleP:1-27
Natasha K. Brusco*, Helena C. Frawley, Sarah E. Foster, Jeffrey Woods, Doug McCaskie, Suzy Goodman, Cameron Barnes, Coral Keren and Meg E. Morris
Mini ReviewP:11-13
Epilepsies with a Wide Clinical Spectrum Associated with a Protocadherin 19 Gene Mutation
Short communicationP:8-10
Neurophysiological Findings in Lipofuscinoses of the Neuronal Ceroid
Short communicationP:17-20