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The cycle is a crucial indicator of a woman’s health. Disruptions of this cycle are a standard complaint seen by both women’s healthcare and first care providers. Amenorrhea is that the absence of menses and may occur for a spread of reasons; some are normal during the course of a woman’s life, while others could also be a side effect of medication or a symbol of medical problem. Amenorrhea are often intermittent or transient; however, it also can be a permanent condition resulting from dysfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries, uterus or vagina. the foremost common explanation for amenorrhea in women of childbearing age is pregnancy and lactation. it's important to differentiate between primary and amenorrhea . an in depth reproductive and health history also as an appropriate diagnostic workup with physical exam is important for creating an accurate diagnosis. amenorrhea is that the absence of menses by 15 years old within the presence of normal growth and secondary sex characteristics. it's usually the results of a genetic or anatomical abnormality; however, all causes of amenorrhea also can present as amenorrhea . Evaluation for amenorrhea should begin in any patient 13 years aged with no menses and with complete absence of secondary sex characteristics.

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Citations : 13

Journal of Health Policy and Management received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
