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Antimicrobial Agents

Antimicrobial agent: it's a general term for medicine, chemicals, or alternative substances that either kill or slow the expansion of microbes. Among the antimicrobial agents area unit medicament medicine, antifungal agents, antiviral agents and antiparasitic medicine.

Most microbiologists distinguish 2 teams of antimicrobial agents employed in the treatment of infectious disease: antibiotics that area unit natural substances made by bound teams of microorganisms, and therapy agents, that area unit with chemicals synthesized. A hybrid substance could be a artificial  antibiotic, whereby a molecular version made by the bug is afterward changed by the chemist to realize desired properties. what is more, some antimicrobial compounds, originally discovered as merchandise of microorganisms, is synthesized entirely by chemical suggests that. within the medical and pharmaceutical worlds, of these antimicrobial agents employed in the treatment of unwellness area unit remarked as antibiotics, decoding the word virtually.

The modern era of antimicrobial therapy began in 1929, with Fleming's discovery of the powerful disinfectant substance, penicillin, and Domagk's discovery in 1935 of artificial chemicals (sulfonamides) with broad antimicrobial activity.

The antibiotics area unit a broad chemical category of therapeutic agents originally derived from natural sources (molds, bacteria, etc.). Antibiotics area unit the chemical operations molecules factory-made for survival on the living thing scale of battle and are custom-made to be used by man to forbid his own best living thing predators and people of his eutherian mammal. we've got additional utilised chemical modification of those compounds to attenuate their toxicity and enhance or otherwise alter the power of those compounds to kill or disable numerous microbes, providing a broader spectrum of activity for our antibiotic arsenal.

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