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Bioplastics although behave like ordinary plastics, they are made up of biomass and other natural raw materials such as sugar cane, potatoes and corn that can be decomposed easily if they are disposed of properly. Bioplastics are utilized for preparation of bags, food packaging, disposable cups and plate etc. bioplastics are not biodegradable and can be disposed only in industrial facility at a temperature of 65°. There are various types of bioplastics including starch based plastics which are made gelatinizing starch and solution casting, cellulose based plastics which are the cellulose esters and their derivatives, including celluloid, protein based plastics which are made from proteins from different sources like wheat gluten and casein, etc. Bioplastics are made using renewable resources hence saving the non-renewable resources and making the environment sustainable and efficient. There are various polyhydroxyalkanoates which are also known as aliphatic biopolyesters. Few examples of aliphatic polyesters are Polylactic acid (PLA), Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, Polyhydroxyalkanoates, Polyamide 11, Bio-derived polyethylene, genetically modified feedstocks, Polyhydroxyurethanes, and Lipid derived polymers.

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Citations : 155

Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology received 155 citations as per Google Scholar report

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