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Coronary Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular disease is a grab-all phrase for a variety of scenarios that change the stability and cardiovascular system. Coronary heart disease is a form of cardiovascular disease that results because when arteries of heart could not supply sufficient oxygen-rich blood to the heart. That is the major cause of mortality worldwide. Coronary heart failure is mostly caused by the build-up of plaque, a waxy material, within the lining of wider carotid arteries. Such deposition will partly or entirely obstruct the flow of blood in the broad arteries of the heart. Many manifestations of this syndrome may be triggered by a disorder or accident influencing the operation of the arteries in the heart. Coronary microvascular disease is another form of coronary artery disease. This happens when the small blood vessels of the heart do not act properly.

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Citations : 177

Current Research: Cardiology received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report

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Current Research: Cardiology