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Critical Incident Stress Management

Critical Incident Stress Management, or CISM, is an intervention protocol developed specifically for dealing with traumatic events.  It is a formal, highly structured and professionally recognized process for helping those involved in a critical incident to share their experiences, vent emotions, learn about stress reactions and symptoms and given referral for further help if required.  It is not psychotherapy.  It is a confidential, voluntary and educative process, sometimes called 'psychological first aid'. First developed for use with military combat veterans and then civilian first responders (police, fire, ambulance, emergency workers and disaster rescuers), it has now been adapted and used virtually everywhere there is a need to address traumatic impact in peoples lives. There are several types of CISM interventions that can be used, depending on the situation.  Variations of these interventions can be used for groups, individuals, families and in the workplace. Debriefing is a proactive intervention involving a group meeting or discussion about a particularly distressing critical incident. Based on core principles of crisis intervention, the CISD is designed to mitigate the impact of a critical incident and to assist the persons in recovery from the stress associated with the event. The CISD is facilitated by a specially trained team which includes professional and peer support personnel. Also called Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). Ideally it is conducted between 24 and 72 hours after the incident, but may be held later under exceptional circumstances.

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Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 13

Journal of Health Policy and Management received 13 citations as per Google Scholar report
