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Dental Materials

Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science is among top access diaries in Dental materials that distributes articles subsequent to getting remarks from 2 specialists of the concerned field. The diary goes about as a typical stage for analysts and researchers of the related field to trade and improve logical information. Dental materials are intended for utilizing the dentistry field. There are sort of manufactured materials used in dental consideration too. Some dental materials are: Dental reclamations, for example, in fillings, crown and extensions. Endodontic materials utilized in root trench treatment. False teeth and dental inserts are additionally ordered under dental materials. OMICS Group is a notable association known for its commitment to mainstream researchers through its open access diaries. OMICS has more than 700+ friend audited diaries which are distributing quality articles and lead around 3000+ International Scientific Conferences around the world. In spite of the fact that OMICS Group is an open access distributor, it gives membership based diaries called Scitechnol. All the diaries have solid help from the Editorial board to guarantee a fast and quality audit process. OMICS Group Conferences gives the platform to trade of data and worldwide systems administration the same number of the eminent researchers turns out to be a piece of the meetings.

High Impact List of Articles
Conference Proceedings

Relevant Topics in Medical Sciences

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 11

Applied Food Science Journal received 11 citations as per Google Scholar report
