An economy is an environment in which specific agents produce, sell, exchange and consume the goods and services. The economy, understood in its broadest terms, is defined as a social realm that emphasizes the processes, discourses, and material expressions associated with the creation, usage, and management of resources. A given economy is the result of a number of processes, including its community, customs, education, technical growth, history , social organisation, political system, and legal systems, as well as geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology, as major factors. These variables include context, content and set the conditions and standards for an economy to work under. In other words, the economic sphere is a social network consisting of human interactions and transactions. They 're not there by themselves.
Market Analysis: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Market Analysis: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Mini Review: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Mini Review: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Preserving Spent Fuel Storage Capacity by Taking Credit for Burnup in Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis: An Alternative Solution to Spent Fuel Storage Shortage
Editorial: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Preserving Spent Fuel Storage Capacity by Taking Credit for Burnup in Nuclear Criticality Safety Analysis: An Alternative Solution to Spent Fuel Storage Shortage
Editorial: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Original Article: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Original Article: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Original Article: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
Original Article: Journal of Modern and Applied Physics
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Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
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