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Febrile Illness

A fever is the body's natural reaction to an illness such as infection due to a virus or bacteria. Sometimes other conditions such as cancer or immune diseases can cause fever. This might be more likely if your fever has lasted for more than a week or 2. In most cases, the higher temperature itself isn't harmful. It actually helps the body fight infections. A fever doesn't need to be treated unless you feel very uncomfortable. Sometimes a fever are often an early sign of a more serious infection. So follow up if your condition gets worse. Febrile Illness is a fever caused to a person when someone is sick and running a temperature, or a state that describes excitement or energy. Febrile illness was also know as seizure .Common causes of acute febrile illness in most of the countries have similar symptoms, which often mimic those of dengue. Accurate clinical diagnosis are often difficult without laboratory confirmation and disease burden is usually under-reported. Accurately , Most of the  population-based and laboratory has confirmed incidence data on dengue and other causes of acute fever in dengue in endemic Asian countries are needed.

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Citations : 17

Journal of Addiction and Clinical Research received 17 citations as per Google Scholar report
