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Healthy Life

Healthy Life is precious and every person is born with certain good qualities and others are automatically affected by those qualities. In particular, people with disabilities have the potential to impact society. They are the people who realize that life is precious and that being able to live themselves is a great feeling and they fell happy for it. Individuals with disabilities and poor fortune are rewarded with learning lessons and facing life 's struggles until they realize that the real joy lies in themselves, not in wordy stuff. Such posts aim to make us happier and find peace in our lives.

We don't achieve a balanced lifestyle overnight, so we need to be consistent. You must follow a successful plan that is based on sound habits. It will put our bodies and minds into a pattern that will finally become second nature. Having habits that are either a little good, or not safe at all, is normal to people. Maybe that's how it is, because it's simpler and more convenient than doing it properly (or that's the common perception at least).

High Impact List of Articles

Relevant Topics in Medical Sciences

Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 12

Anesthesiology Case Reports received 12 citations as per Google Scholar report
