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Infectious Diseases:

Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, like bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the diseases are often spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to a different. Zoonotic diseases are infectious diseases of animals which will cause disease when transmitted to humans.
For many infectious diseases, herd immunity, group immunity or group protection are of great importance, means that when many children are vaccinated against a particular communicable disease, this disease becomes less common. Children who aren't vaccinated also are less likely to urge the communicable disease. They're protected by the group of vaccinated children. so as to make and maintain this group protection, it's important that as many children as possible are vaccinated. If most children are vaccinated, a disease may even disappear altogether.
The infectious diseases are often dangerous. Person will become very ill and develop serious complications. Older people and young children are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases and are at the best risk of great complications or death. Vaccination reduces the danger of great disease and complications and ensures that dangerous infectious diseases are less common.
Infectious disease by consuming contaminated food or drinks, by inhaling micro-organisms that float within the air or through contact with someone who is infected.

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