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Management Information System

A management information system and records device used for decision-making, and for the coordination, control, evaluation, and visualization of records in a company. They take a look at the control data systems involving human beings, procedures and eras in an organizational context. Even as it may be contested that the records of control records systems date as some distance back as groups the use of ledgers to preserve track of accounting, the cutting-edge history of MIS may be divided into five eras at the beginning recognized with the aid of Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Laudon of their seminal textbook management information systems. 

First Era – Mainframe and minicomputer computing Second Era – Personal computers Third Era – Client/server networks Fourth Era – Enterprise computing Fifth Era – Cloud computing

The phrases management facts structures (MIS), records management systems (IMS), information gadget (IS) , company useful resource making plans (ERP), computer science, electrical computer engineering, and facts era control (IT) are often pressured. MIS is a hierarchical subset of information systems. MIS are extra employer-focused narrowing in on leveraging records technology to growth business price. Laptop technological know-how is extra software-focused dealing with the programs that may be used in MIS. electrical laptop engineering is product-centered particularly dealing with the structure in the back of laptop systems. ERP software program is a subset of MIS and IT control refers back to the technical management of an IT department which may also include MIS.


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Citations : 155

Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology received 155 citations as per Google Scholar report

Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology peer review process verified at publons